6 ways to enhance your career in journalism

6 ways to enhance your career in journalism

Refine your capabilities and shape your career with this once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Teaching journalism in Bhutan will refine your capabilities and shape your career in many different ways. We’ve had a bit of a think and jotted down a few points on how this once-in-a-lifetime experience will benefit you.

If you’d like the chance to spend 4 weeks as a volunteer journalism teacher in Bhutan, go to our volunteer page and register your interest. You’ll then receive more information about the program, and an outline of the next steps you need to take to participate!

1. Adaptability
Adaptability, or the ability to adapt to changing scenarios or environments, is a skill that is often looked favourably on by employers because it means that an individual can cope with change. As change is ever-present in the media and creative arts industry, adaptability is an increasingly important skill to have. 

By taking time out to teach in Bhutan, you will demonstrate to current and future employers that you are willing to experience and capable of adapting to different scenarios.

For any job interviews you have in the future, your teaching journalism in Bhutan experience will be easy to recall and describe as an example of how you adapted to change, and will likely set you apart from other interviewees.

2. Content Production
Set in the Himalayas, the landscape of the Kingdom of Bhutan is breathtaking. It’s also a fitting environment for the cultural beauty of the people of Bhutan, who for the most part practice Buddhism. 

While describing the cultural beauty of the people and the country of Bhutan is really beyond the scope of this article, what can be said is that there will be immense opportunities to create content during your stay there. 

As a volunteer with The Australian Academy of Media, prior to your departure you will receive a license to Adobe Creative Cloud, as well as access to training resources to help you use and produce visual content to the best of your and the platform’s ability. You may also get the opportunity to distribute the content on some pretty amazing and popular branded platforms too, but more of that later.

What is certain though, is that by participating in this volunteer program, you will improve your content production capabilities and skillset, which will no doubt continue to benefit you for many years to come.

3. Self-Confidence
Travelling and living in a foreign country, even temporarily, has the potential to improve and enhance your self-confidence. 

This is because when people travel, they often find themselves in situations that they’re unfamiliar with. The process of reflecting, thinking, and then making a decision about or as a result of the situation, leads people to behave more confidently when they find themselves in other unfamiliar situations.

The end result of this process, is improved self-confidence, as we become more comfortable with the unfamiliar. This really is the essence of adventure.

4. Different Perspectives
The experience of volunteer teaching in Bhutan will certainly expose you to different cultural perspectives and ideas. This exposure will no doubt lead you to reflect on your own way of looking at things, and it will also help you understand and appreciate people of different backgrounds. This will help you work better with others around you, whether they are colleagues, clients, partners, interview subjects, or customers.

5. Training and Development
If showing others that the process of training and development is important to you, then participating in this program will deliver in spades.

During your 4-week stay, you will teach Bhutanese students current approaches in journalism, which will help them understand the role of journalism in the modern world. Drawing on your experience and leveraging it for the benefit of your students will be key to your engagement, and of course, your students’ future success.

Through your participation in this program, you will demonstrate not only that training and development is important for you personally, but providing the opportunity for others to learn from you is just as important. 

6. Giving Back
Giving back is important to most of us. It allows us to use our knowledge, skills and abilities to help others less fortunate or less experienced than us.

Your participation in this volunteer program will show that giving back is important to you. You will also feel satisfied knowing that your experience and knowledge will help and benefit the Bhutan media industry for many years to come.

If you’d like the chance to spend 4 weeks as a volunteer journalism teacher in Bhutan, go to our volunteer page and register your interest. You’ll then receive more information about the program, and an outline of the next steps you need to take to participate!

To receive more information on this exciting opportunity, REGISTER YOUR INTEREST NOW!

For further information on Bhutan, visit:



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