Skilled Capital ACT: Certificate IV in Leadership & Management BSB40520


Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by results not attributes.” - Peter Drucker

As Peter Drucker, the man often regarded as the ‘founder of modern management’ articulated so eloquently, results are the key success criteria leaders are judged by. It’s not the provision of tasks, or having decision-making conversations with other managers, or the newly pressed skirt, shirt or pair of trousers that makes a ‘leader’ a leader. What matters most, really, is the results a leader achieves.

With that in mind, how does one know if they are on the path to leadership? What are the sorts of activities an emerging leader may find themselves doing?

They are good questions. Generally, an emerging leader will assume responsibility for their own performance. They are also likely to provide leadership, guidance and support to others. They may also have some responsibility for organising and monitoring the output of teams. They may also apply solutions to a defined range of predictable and unpredictable problems, and analyse and evaluate information from a variety of sources.

So if you think that you show similar traits or undertake a range of similar activities, or desire to perform similar activities in the future, then a Certificate IV in Leadership and Management (BSB40520) may just be the course to get you to where you want to be.

Just don’t rely solely on the newly pressed skirt, shirt or pair of trousers to get you where you want to be. It may work in certain circles in Canberra, but not in the real world :)

 BSB40520 - Certificate IV in Leadership and Management





The importance of leadership and management training can never be underestimated. If you want to take your career to the next level, improve business performance or unite a team through effective communication to reach your goals, then this course is for you. Leadership and management training can provide you with the skills you need to get results in the workplace and realise your personal potential.


  • Better lead a team to achieve collective goals

  • Lead effective workplace relationships

  • Improve your communication skills in the workplace

  • Make business operational plans work

  • Develop personal mastery


  • BSBLDR411 Demonstrate leadership in the workplace

  • BSBLDR413 Lead effective workplace relationships

  • BSBOPS402 Coordinate business operational plans

  • BSBXCM401 Apply communication strategies in the workplace

  • BSBXTW401 Lead and facilitate a team


The seven elective units chosen are relevant to the work outcomes and needs of the industry. They can include:

  • BSBLDR412 Communicate effectively as a workplace leader

  • BSBCRT411 Apply critical thinking to work practices

  • BSBCRT413 Collaborate in creative processes

  • BSBOPS403 Apply business risk management processes

  • BSBSTR502 Facilitate continuous improvement

  • BSBPEF401 Manage personal health and well-being

  • BSBLDR521 Lead the development of diverse workforces 

For those who work and live in Canberra / ACT:

The Australian Academy of Media is an approved training provider for Skilled Capital. We can offer training to individuals living or working in the Australian Capital Territory, with fees subsidised by the ACT Government.

While students undertaking a subsidised course must pay a small contribution fee, Skilled Capital subsidises the remaining course cost at enrolment or before training commences.

The Australian Academy of Media can provide training through Skilled Capital ACT across three qualifications (with student contribution fee in brackets):

  1. CUA31020 – Certificate III in Screen and Media ($140)

  2. BSB40520 - Certificate IV in Leadership and Management ($100)

  3. BSB50420 - Diploma of Leadership and Management ($140)

Receive Completion Payment from ACT Skilled Capital

Students who successfully complete their qualification are eligible for a completion payment. A completion payment will be paid directly to the student upon completion of the qualification and a survey. The completion payment is $300 for each qualification.

Students will be eligible to receive the completion payment for up to 1 year after successful completion of the qualification, provided an up-to-date email and bank account details are confirmed.

A student is not eligible for a completion payment where more than 50% of the units are completed through Recognition of Prior Learning or Credit Transfer. A significant proportion of units completed through credit transfer may also impact on student eligibility for the completion payment.

For more information please visit:

So what are you waiting for?

To express your interest in a subsidised place, apply now.



Skilled Capital ACT: Certificate III in Screen and Media CUA31015


Subsidised Course Fees for Canberrans: Skilled Capital