Photo courtesy of Canberra Times, by Alex Ellinghausen

Photo courtesy of Canberra Times, by Alex Ellinghausen

As an approved training provider for Skilled Capital, The Australian Academy of Media (RTO 45017) can offer training to individuals living or working in the Australian Capital Territory, with fees subsidised by the ACT Government.

While students undertaking a subsidised course must pay a small contribution fee, Skilled Capital subsidises the remaining course cost at enrolment or before training commences.

The Australian Academy of Media can provide training subsidised through Skilled Capital ACT across three qualifications (with student contribution fee in brackets):

  1. CUA31020 – Certificate III in Screen and Media ($140)

  2. BSB40520 - Certificate IV in Leadership and Management ($100)

  3. BSB50420 - Diploma of Leadership and Management ($140)

To express your interest in a subsidised place, apply now.


Receive Completion Payment from ACT Skilled Capital

Students who successfully complete their qualification are eligible for a completion payment. A completion payment will be paid directly to the student upon completion of the qualification and a survey. The completion payment is $300 for each qualification.

Students will be eligible to receive the completion payment for up to 1 year after successful completion of the qualification, provided an up-to-date email and bank account details are confirmed.

A student is not eligible for a completion payment where more than 50% of the units are completed through Recognition of Prior Learning or Credit Transfer. A significant proportion of units completed through credit transfer may also impact on student eligibility for the completion payment.

For more information please visit:


The Nitty Gritty

Enrol before 25 May 2021 to secure your spot

Start Date
From May 26th (students must commence within 12 weeks of this date)

Completion Date
12 months – 2 years (students must complete the course within 2 years of enrolment)

Delivery Method
Self-paced, face-to-face, online and/or blended delivery options

Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible you must be: 

  • an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or New Zealand passport holder resident for more than 6 months, or

  • an eligible visa holder, and

  • living or working in the ACT, and

  • at least 15 years of age, and

  • not enrolled in or attending secondary school or college except where the student:

  • is undertaking a course of study leading to completion of year 12 in an alternative program, or

  • has an Exemption Certificate and the selected Skilled Capital qualification is an approved Australian School-based Apprenticeship pathway.

Please note: You cannot be funded for a qualification you have completed within the last 7 years. You can also only be subsidised for 1 Skilled Capital qualification at a time.

Apply now
Please express your interest with The Australian Academy of Media before 25 May 2021 at

Enquiries Phone: 1300 362 414
Enquiries Email:

Skilled Capital
An ACT Government training initiative, Skilled Capital offers a comprehensive range of services and subsidies to provide individuals the support they need to complete the training that is right for them. Skilled Capital offers an opportunity for the Canberra community to access quality training and fill critical skills needs areas across a range of industries such as community services, information technology, health, and construction. Skilled Capital is funded by the ACT and Australian Governments.



Skilled Capital ACT: Certificate IV in Leadership & Management BSB40520


On The Leaders' Lounge with Colin Barnard