The blog where we ponder on the state of the industry, chat with pros, and muse over trends

On The Leaders' Lounge with Colin Barnard

Enjoy the moment and your time in a role, but also know when you have finished adding value. When you feel like you are treading water, pass the role onto the next person who can bring fresh ideas and eyes to the position to help the business grow – I have found 3-4 years in any role tends to be the sweet spot. Then, look to the next challenge, get out of your comfort zone and make an impact somewhere new.

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On The Leaders' Lounge with Magdalena Kosior-Molloy

One of the best pieces of advice I received was from my mentor Sheryle Moon: “Believe in yourself, your own abilities, potential and identify three strengths of yours for which you want to be known for.”

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On The Leaders' Lounge with Belinda Pervan

I’m innately competitive and results oriented, and very much driven by continually growing and learning – at work that comes through in the projects and roles i take on, but also my desire to grow my team members - seeing their success truly rewards me more than my own these days.

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On The Leaders' Lounge with Corinne Podger

The more I travel, and the more journalists I work with, the more I believe we’re a single ‘tribe’. We are motivated by the same things: great stories, told well, for a clear target audience, which adhere to specific values on ethics, accuracy and trust.

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